Page 10: Make Your Bed

In May 2014 McRaven addressed the graduating class of the University of Texas at Austin with an inspiring and practical commencement speech. He shared his most ‘notable nuggets’ he learned during his Navy SEAL training that supported him through all aspects of his life.

Page 9: Wild & Girl in the Woods

Ever hear of the Pacific Crest Trail, more commonly referred to as the PCT? These two memoirs are written by two very different women who hiked the trail from Mexico to Canada.

Page 8: A Man Called Ove

Ove is a surly, recently widowed neighbor in a Swedish housing community. He takes a daily inspection of the neighborhood to ensure signage and rules are appropriately obeyed. Ove judges his neighbors by how well they follow the rules as well as by what type of car they drive.

Page 6: A Truck Full of Money: One Man’s Quest to Recover from Great Success

Biography or entrepreneurial business story? Well, it’s a bit of both. I was stumped on how to describe this book and finding the best way to convey it was a challenge. I was sharing my difficulty with my husband and as I was explaining, there it was, an ah-ha moment. Here it is…

Page 5: Thunderstruck

Thunderstruck tells the story of two very unlikely lives intersecting during a transatlantic criminal chase; Guglielmo Marconi, the inventor of wireless telegraphy, with Hawley Crippen, a mild-mannered homeopathic doctor in turn-of-the-century London. The two men’s stories are told simultaneously and initially reveal zero connection.